Well, today would have been your 57th birthday. I've been missing you quite a bit lately as so much has been going on that I know I would have been talking endlessly with you about. The world is a huge paradox these days. We're careening down a path towards financial and social destruction, while being a part of innovations that are changing the way we do everything. I'm hoping that we reach a point soon where one cancels the other out finally. The other thing that scares me is the world we are giving our children. They are coming age, and should be running the show now, but I see so much apathy, and disconnection in their faces that I don't think they understand what's wrong.
I have a feeling that every generation when it reaches middle age looks at the next generation this way. I hope that's the case, and these are just the ramblings of an aging curmudgeon-to-be. Otherwise, things are good here. I am a much happier person at age 50 than I was at age 30. It would be better if you were still here though. Happy Birthday Paul.
--Brother Neil
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